What Is A Capsule Wardrobe & How Can You Create One For Your Kids?

A capsule wardrobe is a trendy term that's all over the place in fashion right now, but what is a capsule wardrobe all about? Are you wondering how to create one for your child? Did someone say something about it saving you stress? Well, you're in the right place because you're about to find out.  


What Is A Capsule Wardrobe?

A capsule wardrobe is a collection of clothing made up of interchangeable items only. This way it maximises the number of outfits that can be created. The aim is to have an outfit for every occasion without owning excessive items of clothing.

Why Should You Have A Capsule Wardrobe?

Saves Money

Your capsule wardrobe can save you a lot of money and here’s why. Your wardrobe is going to consist of interchangeable items, good quality and versatile, meaning you’ll have to worry about shopping for new items a whole lot less. These items will be ones your little ones will wear regularly teamed with other items ensuring that they aren’t left unworn and unloved.

Reduces Waste

A capsule wardrobe is a sustainable way to approach your children's wardrobe. Since the items are limited to what you need you can wear every piece knowing that nothing is going to waste. Many people who choose to create a capsule wardrobe will shop pre-loved for high-quality items avoiding the premium price tag, fast fashion and the wasteful industry that it is.

Less Stress

I'm sure you’ve all had the moments of screaming at the wardrobe with frustration that you can't find anything to wear! If someone’s offering an option for less stress when choosing your little children's outfits, we’re there!

A capsule wardrobe is an answer to less stress in your life. You’ll know already that you have an outfit for every occasion and there'll be less maintenance and repairing because you’ll have fewer items of clothing!

Think about packing for a holiday. You keep just throwing things in with a "just in case". But with baggage prices on planes these days soaring, holiday packing has become a challenge in itself. Luckily with the clothes being interchangeable, you can pack less and maximise your outfit choices. You may even be able to squeeze their clothes into your bags for a little longer!

How To Build A Sustainable Capsule Wardrobe Step By Step

Let's see what we’re working with.

Firstly, before you start you need to get to the nitty-gritty of what's in the wardrobe. Start by going through every piece of clothing. Check the size tags, make sure you’re not hoarding clothes that are far too small and are living their life at the back of the wardrobe and make sure you check the condition of items. Some items may just need a new button sewn on or shave a few bobbles off the sleeves and they are good to go.  

For each piece, ask yourself, would this be easily paired with other items? If the answer is no, then the reality is that it will never get worn so put it aside. 

Once you’ve sorted through and are left with your favourite items, it's time to move on to the next step.

Plan Your Capsule Wardrobe

Think about what your little ones do - nursery, school, out-of-school clubs. Use this to work out how often you do the laundry and what they spend most of their time doing. There aren’t any set rules to follow when planning your capsule wardrobe. The only numbers to stick to are the ones you set yourself. Try to choose a colour scheme that works with the items you’ve already saved. Avoid bringing bright colours, loud patterns and huge logos into the wardrobe as they can be more difficult to pair with other items.   

Make a list of what you need, for example, 40 items in a summer wardrobe could be made up of 5 tops, 1 pair of jeans, 2 leggings, 2 rompers, 2 dresses, 2 shorts, 2 jumpers, 3 pyjamas, 6 pairs of socks, 8 pairs of underwear, x2 swimming costume, 1 hat, 1 light waterproof raincoat, 1 pair of trainers, 1 pair of dressy shoes, 1 pair of sandals!

It’s time to get to work! 

Now you have your list, you have ticked what you've already got in the wardrobe and now it’s time to fill in the rest. When you're looking to buy the remaining items for the wardrobe, be sure to shop smart and sustainability. I also recommend that you buy high-quality pieces from pre-loved or sustainable brands because as these clothes will be getting worn more often, they need to last longer. 

I cannot emphasise enough how important it is to start with what you already own and not declutter everything and start from scratch. Doing so wouldn’t be sustainable at all, and it would be expensive. Once you make that shift to a capsule wardrobe, shopping for your kids becomes much more creative and considered, and you can have lots of fun finding different ways to style outfits!