Let's Talk Vintage Children's Clothes

Did you know that 'vintage' technically refers to clothes that are more than 20 years old? But it can also be used to describe an item's style rather than it's age 🧐

When it comes to the clothes that cross our tables here at Worn In Wardrobe, we get all sorts of styles and vintages. It always makes me smile when I see a pair of Osh Kosh dungarees like the ones I have pictures of me in as a kid (oh gosh that is over 20 years ago 😳🤫)

Vintage clothes are a great way to add unique or retro style to your children's wardrobe, and shopping vintage clothes comes with all the environmental benefits of shopping second-hand too. Vintage clothes are often very well made, but it can mean they are more expensive than regular second-hand clothes - and sometimes this price is driven up by collectors. You also need to be careful with sizing, as items often come up small.

I've also noticed that 'vintage' prints from some well known brands are very popular second-hand. They're not strictly vintage as they may be from only a few years ago, but if a popular design stops being produced and can no longer be bought new, it pretty much becomes retro overnight!

The best places to find vintage or retro kids clothes are online marketplaces, charity shops, flea markets and house clearance sales. You also get specialist vintage clothing businesses offering curated collections both online and in-person.