5 Ways How To Avoid “Fast Fashion” When It Comes To Kids' Clothes.

Have you ever found yourself perusing the shops for some new clothes for the kids and thought, “it's just not what it used to be”? Every year fashion feels like it keeps changing so fast. Clothing is being made from cheaper material, stitching has got worse and quality has been cut. Children’s clothing needs to be able to withstand the adventures your little ones take them on. That's why we are looking for ways to make buying kids' clothes more sustainable, ethical and cost-effective. 

There have been a few quotes that have sat present in mind which help me focus on why I started Worn In Wardrobe. I wanted to keep clothing in use for longer within our community. Unfortunately, you can’t just do this on your own, and collectively we can achieve big things and positive changes when we all work together.

All it requires is a small paradigm shift when it comes to shopping, and remembering that second-hand is no longer second-best! We need to make a habit of shopping second-hand first, and only buying new what we need to buy new.  

Businesses like Worn In Wardrobe are making the second-hand experience efficient, enjoyable and reliable. Here are 5 ways to avoid “fast fashion” when it comes to kids' clothes:

Buying Preloved Clothes

Buying pre-loved clothes is a great way to help the environment and save money at the same time! You can find all kinds of pre-loved items in online shops like Worn In Wardrobe or at local charity stores. You may even find something that was once your child's favourite item!

Hand Me Downs

Hand-me-downs from family members or friends who have younger kids than you do is another good option for getting quality clothing at an affordable price!  

Swap Shop

Swap shops are another great way to get quality clothing at an affordable price. You can swap with other parents who have children around the same age as yours, or sell any clothing that doesn't fit anymore but is still in good condition (if it's not worn out yet). You can arrange swap parties where you can get together with friends have a drink and a chat over swapping your little ones' clothes.

Only Buy What You ACTUALLY Need.

It’s hard, we know, not to be tempted to buy something just because it will look cute on your little one. But do they really need it? No. Instead of browsing the shops, picking up pieces that you convince yourself will come in handy, think if you actually need them. When shopping for your little ones, make sure you’re only replacing a tired and worn item that can be worn anymore, but another of the same item. That means if they need a new waterproof coat, they don't need a 3 pack of leggings and 2 jumpers to go with it.

Buy From Brands That Aim To Banish Fast Fashion From The Highstreet. 

If you haven’t heard about the app “Good On You” then it’s time you find out more. “Good On You” can help you buy from brands that aim to banish fast fashion from the high street and show you the truth of how sustainable and ethical your clothes are. You can search your favourite brands and see their ethical ratings and discover ethical brands.

Now It’s Down To You!

I’d love to encourage more families to join the preloved community and discover that feel-good factor for themselves.